Polyaspartic Garage Floor Coatings: The Ultimate Solution for Your Home

On February 17, 2023

The garage floor is one of the areas in your home that take the most beating, persevering through chemical spills, abrasion, and heavy vehicle traffic, making a high-quality coating necessary to protect its visual appeal and longevity.

If you’re looking for a tough, attractive, easy-to-maintain, and durable garage coating, consider polyaspartic concrete coating. This article looks at polyaspartic garage floor coatings and why they are the best option for your home.

What Is Polyaspartic Garage Floor Coating?

According to Corrosionpedia, polyaspartic is a 100% solid, two-component layer of aliphatic polyurea. This fast-curing, UV-resistant protective coating has been around for about 20 years.

Its original applications included coating parts of ships and railcars, bridges, and piers and only recently started gaining popularity for concrete surfaces.

Polyaspartic coatings cost about 20% more than regular epoxy coatings because of their superior characteristics. They are up to five times harder than traditional epoxy, with a tensile strength of 2,900 psi (pounds per square inch).

Top 5 Benefits of Polyaspartic Garage Coatings

There are many reasons to choose polyaspartic for your garage coating, and below are five of its most notable advantages:

UV Resistance

Some concrete coatings lose color and structural integrity after 1-2 years of consistent UV exposure. Polyaspartics form a UV-stable coating that maintains a glossy finish that doesn’t fade or yellow over time.

That means your garage floor will preserve its colors and beauty for years. These coatings can also extend your concrete floor’s lifespan by protecting it against UV damage.

Ease of Cleaning

Polyaspartic coatings are moisture and stain-resistant, ensuring your garage floor won’t retain dirt or become discolored over time. Regular sweeping, weekly mopping, and spot-treating spills would be all you need to keep your floors looking clean and fresh.

These coatings also offer exceptional chemical resistance, allowing you to use chemical detergents to eliminate dirt and stains without worrying about corrosion. Furthermore, the decorative flaking also conceals most dirt and spills on your garage floor.


Many floor coatings lose their sparkle after a few years of use, as they quickly give in to abrasion, chipping, and peeling. Conversely, polyaspartic garage floor coatings can resist scratching, denting, and impact damage.

These coatings offer superior protection against any abuse thrown at your garage floor, allowing it to maintain its aesthetic value for many years. With professional installation and proper maintenance, polyaspartic-coated floors can last over 20 years.

Installation Time

Polyaspartic coatings cure quicker than other flooring options. A reputable contractor like SLG Concrete Coatings can install polyaspartic flooring in a day, whereas epoxy coatings take several days to become usable.

Your coated floor can be ready for foot traffic in two hours and vehicle traffic in 24 hours. That’s considerably faster than epoxy coatings, which need at least 12 hours of cure time before you can safely walk on your floor and 72 hours to drive on it.

You can also apply polyaspartic coatings any time of the year since they can withstand a wide temperature range. However, temperatures above 40 degrees deliver the best installation results. Other options, like epoxy, can be affected by extremely low or high temperatures.


The garage floor is prone to moisture and spills that can increase the risk of slip and fall accidents. Moreover, damaged garage flooring can expose your property and loved ones to hazards, such as unevenness, cracks, and shifting due to temperature fluctuations.

Polyaspartic floor coatings have an abrasive surface that promotes friction against your footwear. This attribute is critical in preventing slip and fall accidents, making your garage safe for everyone.

Polyaspartic flooring can also withstand external temperature fluctuations as it bonds directly to the concrete. That means it will preserve your garage floor’s visual appeal and performance features for years.

Why Hire a Professional for Polyaspartic Garage Coating in Santa Maria?

Polyaspartic garage coatings are not DIY-friendly and can lead to costly mistakes if not installed by an experienced professional. Their installation requires a high level of expertise and precision to ensure lasting results. The installation professionals need efficient coordination to work with the short cure times.

You’ll need high-quality industrial-grade equipment to properly prep your concrete surface before applying the polyaspartic coating. Without thorough grinding and repairing surface imperfections, the coating won’t solidly adhere to the surface, adversely affecting its performance and longevity.

Moreover, it’s highly unlikely that your DIY-coated garage floor will last more than a few years without flaking, cracking, or losing its gloss finish. Re-coating the floor after the original coating wears out can be daunting since you must remove the old coating before applying a new one.

Professionally installed polyaspartic garage coating can last as many as 20 years without flaking, peeling, or yellowing.

Get Your Free Quote for Professional Polyaspartic Garage Coating

Polyspartics are popular for garage floor coating due to their numerous benefits, including UV resistance, low maintenance, durability, short curing time, and improved safety. To enjoy these benefits, you must choose a qualified professional for the job.

If you want a reliable garage coating contractor in Santa Maria, SLG Concrete Coatings is here for you. We specialize in polyaspartic coatings and offer a 20-year warranty on residential projects. Our commercial projects come with a 5-year warranty.

If you’re ready to transform your garage floor and extend its lifespan with polyaspartic concrete coating, call SLG Concrete Coatings at 805-934-3881 to request a free quote today.

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